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convicted person造句

"convicted person"是什么意思  
  • The convicted person was later charged with the offence of perverting the course of justice
  • The sentences on the convicted persons ranged from imprisonment of 1 to 17 months
  • A penalty imposed by a court upon a convicted person , or the court ' s decision to suspend execution of the penalty
  • Dep will be entitled to apply to the court to recover from the convicted person the cost of removing the waste ; and
  • The council proposed that assistance be provided to a convicted person who satisfied lad s means test and had a deserving case
  • Dep shall only enter domestic premises and dwelling place on private land when a warrant is obtained . dep would be entitled to apply to the court to recover from the convicted person the cost of removing the waste ; and
  • In western countries , if a convicted person is ill , usually people allow him to be cured first then sent to prison , for they believe the sun shines on the evil and the good as well , and that is the real essence of humanism
  • However , assistance could not be provided by council nor the legal aid department because this would be beyond the scope of the scheme and of the legal aid services provided by lad . council proposed that assistance be provided to a convicted person who satisfied lad s means test and had a deserving case
  • To empower the court to order the person convicted of illegal disposal of waste to remove the waste on government land . in cases where the removal work has already been carried out by government , the court may order the convicted person to pay all or part of the removal cost incurred by government
    ( i )赋权法院下令被裁定触犯非法弃置废物罪行的人,清理弃置在政府土地上的废物;如果政府已进行清理工作,则法院可下令被定罪的人向政府付还全部或部分清理费用;
  • " we have embarked on a number of joint e - government initiatives , " mr mak said . these include the study on an integrated criminal justice system linking those departments involved in the arrest of suspects , identification , prosecution , trial , correctional and rehabilitation processes and the release of the convicted person
  • It's difficult to see convicted person in a sentence. 用convicted person造句挺难的
  • To empower the court to order the person convicted of illegal disposal of waste to remove the waste on government land . in cases where the removal work has already been carried out by government , the court could order the convicted person to pay all or part of the removal cost incurred by government as appropriate
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